Product characteristics
Measuring range 20...2000 l/min 1200...120000 l/h 0.1...10 m/s 1.2...120 m³/h
Nominal diameter DN65 (2 1/2)
Process connection ifm-specific device flange
Special feature Gold-plated contacts
Application food and beverage industry
Media conductive liquids; water; hydrous media
Note on media food products such as beer, milk, fruit juices, soft drinks, ketchup, yoghurt, yoghurt toppings, ice cream
conductivity: 5 µS/cm
Medium temperature [°C] -20...150
Min. bursting pressure 37.5 bar 3.75 MPa
Pressure rating 25 bar 2.5 MPa
Electrical data
Operating voltage [V] 18...32 DC
Current consumption [mA] 250; (24V)
Protection class III
Reverse polarity protection yes
Power-on delay time [s] < 5
Measuring principle
magnetic-inductive Inputs / outputs
Total number of inputs and outputs 2
Inputs OUT2 external totaliser reset
Total number of outputs 2
Output signal OUT1 pulse signal; totaliser switching signal; diagnostic signal; IO-Link
OUT2 analogue signal; pulse signal; totaliser switching signal; diagnostic signal
Electrical design PNP/NPN
Pulse output flow rate meter
Short-circuit protection yes
Type of short-circuit protection pulsed
Overload protection yes
Number of analogue outputs 1
Analogue current output [mA] 4...20; (skalierbar)
Max. load [Ω] 500
Resolution of analogue output 0.38 µA
Number of digital outputs 2
Max. voltage drop switching output DC [V] 2
Permanent current rating of switching output DC [mA] 100
Switching frequency DC [Hz] 0...10000
Measuring/setting range
Measuring range 20...2000 l/min 1200...120000 l/h 0.1...10 m/s 1.2...120 m³/h
Display range -2400...2400 l/min -144000...144000 l/h -12...12 m/s -144...144 m³/h
Resolution 0.1 l/min 100 l/h 0.01 m/s 0.01 m³/h
Note on factory setting 0...30,0 m³/h
Analogue start point ASP 0...1600 l/min 0...96000 l/h 0...8.05 m/s 0...96 m³/h
Analogue end point AEP 400...2000 l/min 24000...120000 l/h 2...10.05 m/s 24...120 m³/h
Low flow cut-off LFC 0...1600 l/min 0...96000 l/h 0...8.05 m/s 0...96 m³/h
Pulse length [s] 0.002...2
Pulse value 0.004...99990000 I
Temperature monitoring
Measuring range [°C] -20...150
Display range [°C] -20...150
Resolution [°C] 0.01
Analogue start point [°C] -20...116
Analogue end point [°C] 14...150
Conductivity monitoring
Measuring range [µS/cm] 100...100000
Display range [µS/cm] 0...10000000
Resolution [µS/cm] 1
Analogue start point [µS/cm] 0...80000
Analogue end point [µS/cm] 20000...100000
Accuracy / deviations
Volumetric flow monitoring
Accuracy (in the measuring range) with optional factory calibration (available from 2025) ± (0,2 % MW + 2 mm/s)
standard ± (0,5 % MW + 1,5 mm/s)
Repeatability 0,1% MW
Temperature monitoring
Accuracy [K] ± 1
Repeatability [K] ± 0,5
Conductivity monitoring
Accuracy (in the measuring range) in the range of 100...20000 µS/cm ±10% MW
in the range of 20000...100000 µS/cm ±20% MW
Repeatability ± 5% MW
Response times
Volumetric flow monitoring
Response time [s] < 0.3
Damping process value dAP [s] 0...5
Temperature monitoring
Response time [s] < 3; (flow velocity: 0,5m/s)
Conductivity monitoring
Response time [s] < 2
Software / programming
Diagnostic functions direction of flow detection; liquid detection
Communication interface IO-Link
Transmission type COM3 (230,4 kBaud)
IO-Link revision 1.1.3
SDCI standard IEC 61131-9
Profiles Function class Designation
0x4000 Identification and Diagnosis
0x001 BMeasuring and Switching Sensor, floating point, 4 channel
SIO mode yes
Required master port type A
Process data analogue 6
Process data binary 8
Min. process cycle time [ms] 1.9
IO-Link process data (cyclical) function bit length
totaliser 32
flow 32
temperature 32
conductivity 32
status 4
binary switching information 8
IO-Link functions (acyclical) direction of flow detection; totaliser; Speicher; operating hours counter; internal temperature; simulation function
Supported DeviceIDs Type of operation DeviceID
default 1795
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature [°C] -20...65
Storage temperature [°C] -20...80
Protection IP 67; IP 69